Female physical therapy patient in a leg brace balancing a blue exercise ball against the wall with her back as her physical therapist stabilizes her injured leg.

How Long Is Physical Therapy?

One of the most common questions patients have when embarking on their physical therapy journey is, “How long will it take?” At Biomotion Physical Therapy, we understand that each patient’s road to recovery is unique, and determining the length of physical therapy depends on various factors and the types of therapy required.  Here’s a deeper…

Physical therapist stabilizing the knee of a physical therapy patient who is laying flat on their back.

How Does Physical Therapy Work?

Physical therapy is dedicated to improving physical function, alleviating pain, and improving overall quality of life through movement and hands-on care. At Biomotion Physical Therapy, our skilled therapists are trained to diagnose physical conditions, restore mobility, and maintain physical function.  But what exactly do physical therapists do, and what happens during therapy sessions? Follow along…

physical therapist helping a patient bend their arm

What is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is a healthcare profession that plays a crucial role in promoting the overall well-being and mobility of people of all ages and backgrounds. Whether you’re recovering from an injury, or surgery, or dealing with a chronic condition, physical therapy is a valuable resource that can help you regain strength, flexibility, and independence. In…